Sunday, August 12, 2007

Top 20 Taboo Topics for Presidential Candidates

Posted By RU Sirius

Some good ideas, but I wanted to comment.

#1: Sexual Non-Conformism (Personal)
It is true, you should be able to dress and act ever how you want to, as long as it doesnt interfer with your job. Why is it, idiots will believe in Haliburton, missles hitting the pentagon and war for oil, but Clinton being too busy chasing fat girls to do something about Bin Laden is a stretch?

#2: Sex Positivism (Socio-Political)
"No presidential candidate can advocate sex-positive attitudes including open marriages and relationships; they can't be pro-porn, positive about teen sexuality.."
true that.. Elected officials are OBSESSED with sexuality, yet are getting caught getting blown by men at rest stops.

#3: Open Borders
"For all intents and purposes, we have open borders and it can't be stopped any more than drugs can.."
I dont think so. Strict enforcement of the Mexican border, incloding sactions against Mexico for avocating and supporting illegal immigration (while killing guatemalans doing the same in Mexico) would turn millions coming in a year, to tens. Nobody wants to do it though, they like the slave labor and if they can get the vote, thats millions more voters..

4: "I Dig Pot and Shrooms"
I really think we need to do something about the social acceptance of people who indulge everyday. If I drank every day, I would be an alcoholic. If I smoke weed everyday, I am "creative". If a tolerance level is established, maybe we can move forward toward legalization.

5: No Athiests, Agnostics, or Pagans
Sad but true. I hate seeing elected officials pretending to be pious and paying minor lip service to their base. It works though.

6: U.S. Militarism
Buddy somebody has to do it. Its best to prepare yourself for war, because it is coming in your lifetime. India v Pakistan, China v Taiwan, Israel v the middle east, one or all, its coming. I dont know how the iphone generation is going to handle it. Besides military bases are great sources of income for local communities/countries.

7: Weird With a Beard
Kneel before Zod?

8: Daddy, Where Does Money Come From?
He is right, this really needs to be addressed, in more ways that upping the retirement age. We also need to instill at a young (in public education) age the value of a college education, health insurance, and retirement (planning for the future.

9: No Muslims!
Well, tell them to calm down and we will see. Think you have it bad under christians? Lets see how you do under sharia law. Britain isnt making this look good.

10: Stop The Drug War
Legalize and tax the shit out of it.

11: Bloated Military Budget
See #6

12: Question Israel's Authority
Well the are surrounded by people who want to kill them. Every un-pc thing they have ever done (building a wall, preemptive strikes, you know stuff we cant do) has resulted in a safer country. Maybe when countries recognize their right to exist, we will start questioning.

13: Vote for me — I'm smart!
We dont elect people, we elect party leaders, this needs to change.

14: Let's Have More Democracy!
" direct democracy scares the crap out of me unless the power of the people is mitigated by a robust, libertarian system of rights protecting us all from the majority.."
You cant have both..

15: The Nanny State
Can you imagine the food restrictions if we get universal healthcare?

16: "Think of the Children!"
"Should people get special privileges for having kids?" yes
"And if we love kids so much, why do we let approximately 20% of them live in poverty?" true
Also elitists should step out of the crowded cities they live in. Here in Mississipi you can drive for miles without seeing another person. My whole state has less people in it than NYC.

17: The Great Gun Debate? Irrelevant!
I like the way it is now, the assault ban was silly.

18: Are Our Leaders Accountable?
I see he mentioned Bush cronies, but left out Clinton ones, bias much?

19: The Prison-Industrial Complex
They should be used as slave labor. Work them to death.

20: I Shouted Out Who Killed The Kennedys

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